Join Julia in Supporting Denver VOICE!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Denver VOICE
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All donations go directly to Denver VOICE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.


raised by 4 people

$5,000 goal

Three years ago, my good friend Chris asked me if I’d serve on the VOICE Board. At the time I was new to Denver and didn’t know a lot about the organization, but the more I learnt, the more I saw that this was an organization that truly helps people experiencing poverty get on their feet in a real, tangible way.

The issues underlying homelessness and poverty sometimes make it difficult for individuals to obtain and keep regular jobs. Through the VOICE’s street paper and art program, the VOICE provides low-barrier employment, job flexibility, and job training to allow individuals experiencing financial instability to be their own boss, and pay for basic needs or save for the next stage in their journey.

Through the VOICE’s programs, our vendors not only have self-made income but also greater self-confidence. There are countless stories of vendors who were able to change their lives because of the opportunities provided by the VOICE.

We Empower Everyone

I’m drawn to the VOICE’s vision of a community where everyone has a powerful voice and means to live with dignity. Everyone deserves a safe and inclusive community that believes in them. What could be more powerful for helping lift individuals and for strengthening our community?  

This Colorado Gives Day, I hope you consider giving to The Denver VOICE as we seek to raise $30,000 to support our programs and our vendors. Your donation, whether large or small, will have a direct and tangible effect on the well-being and dignity of those we serve and on the community we share.

- Julia

Giving Activity


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